I can be impatient.
I’m polite of course, but like most everyone I have a busy schedule and a lot of responsibilities ton my shoulders.
That’s why when I speak with a company with whom I’m doing business, I want to be able to speak with someone skilled and knowledgeable enough to give me the information that I need.
I don’t want to be transferred innumerable times or have someone second-guess the information they’re giving me. I also don’t want to be placed on “hold” for a lengthy amount of time, either.
The phone might be answered by a receptionist or admin that may not be the subject matter expert I need, but they get me to the right individual immediately, without wasting too much time.
I appreciate their respect for my time and reward it with my loyalty to the company. I’ll also refer them and post positive reviews when possible.
It’s truly my pleasure to do so.
When you reach out to the Shaw Agency you will speak with a licensed agent poste haste! These folks have gone through the requisite training, passed the exams and have taken the time to learn everything they need to know to help customers and prospective customers.
They’re ready and willing to take the time and discuss the ins and outs of what you may need, knowing full well that what we offer is peace of mind and confidence.
I feel that I owe this level of service to my community, my customers and my referral sources that trust me with their introductions.
Like I said, I’m impatient and even if the people that call the Shaw Agency have all the time ion the world (hah!), I feel it is my responsibility to take care of what they need as expediently as possible.
Makes sense, right?