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Who Is Your Dream Team?

Christina Shaw

Most basketball fans know about the men’s Olympic basketball team that won the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics.

These hand-picked players, “the Dream Team,” had a common goal and the collective will to make that goal a reality.


My dream team is comprised of my girls, family, partner of 5 years, Allstate staff, and my friends. Without them I’m not 100% certain I could accomplish my goals.

For me, it takes a village.

Here’s what I mean about my team:

My girls:

I include my girls in my business and by that, I mean they know “what I do” and even “why” I do it. They know when I am running a Zoom call and can’t be interrupted and understand that punctuality is a personal trait worth developing. I think it’s necessary for them to learn the importance of commitment, responsibility, and teamwork at an early age and I want to be their best role model. After all, they’re part of the team!

My friends:

Making the time to be with my friends when we can talk about everything under the sun and be silly or serious is mandatory. They help me create pathways to personal and professional success, and I know I’d feel adrift if they didn’t have my back just like I have theirs.

My partner:

My partner is my rock. We get each other, provide mutual support when juggling our respective commitments, enjoy the heck out of our blended family and create memories that will be relished forever. We’re the co-captains of this dream team and I couldn’t imagine not having him in my corner, nor do I think he can imagine his corner without me.

My Allstate team:

My Allstate team is the backbone of my agency. They are attentive to our clients and dedicated to providing them with the peace of mind and confidence that is fundamental to insurance. Knowledgeable, committed, and devoted, they make everything come together seamlessly.

My family:

And of course, my family. We support each other through thick and thin, and

I believe I am a better Allstate agent because of the relationship I have with my family. I would do anything to protect them and that “need to protect” is what I communicate to my clients. I always want them to have the best protection to meet their situation and I always think, “what would I do if I were in their place.”

So, there you have it. My dream team helps me to be the best mom, Allstate agent, partner, daughter, sister, and aunt I can be.

They keep me on my toes as I help to keep them on theirs, we share common goals and support each other as best we can.

Who’s on your dream team?

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