I’m an eager and enthusiastic volunteer, and like most people that volunteer, I always think about the organizations and causes that I support. It’s important that their mission aligns with my beliefs. Their “purpose” fuels my commitment and passion, and therefore, I feel extra diligent about how I can make a difference. This is not to say that there aren’t many excellent organizations for whom I do not volunteer. It’s more a case that with running my Allstate agency, being a single Mom to 2 young girls, as well as being a partner in a blended family, there’s a lot on my plate. Still, there’s always time to help others. But this post is how volunteering helps me. In no uncertain terms it: Makes me all the more grateful for what I have and by that I mean a cozy home for my family, a car that gets me and my girls to work, school, and other activities, ample food on the table, and clothes to wear. Not everyone is so blessed, and some of my volunteering has made that quite clear.
Makes me a better Mom because I always try to share my volunteer efforts with my girls. Whether they accompany me or participate in my volunteer activities, or I make the time to tell them about the volunteer work I am doing, I know I have helped them be more aware and sensitive to the plight of others. Makes me a better time manager. I’ve already mentioned my busy schedule, so it goes without saying that finding the time to volunteer makes me organize my personal and professional lives more skillfully. Helping others is a gift I give myself not just at holiday time but 12 mos. a year. I can’t imagine my life without it.

Here are some of the organizations I have helped with my time and financial contributions:
Yoga Veterans Project
Help Us Adopt
Ronald McDonald House
Merrick Lions Club
America’s Vet Dogs
National Amputee Foundation
Feel Better Kids
PS I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the prestigious Ray Lynch Award that was presented to me by Allstate. The Award is awarded to one agent each year out of 10,000 Allstate agents and without question, it’s been the highlight of my career to date. What’s most special about this award is that it recognizes community service and supporting charitable institutions both financially and by volunteering. Please take a moment and watch the video below.