“Man plans, and God laughs” – that was the world I found myself in during the Christmas break. My big plans for the holiday, travel, friends and family, and all sorts of wonderful, memory-building activities for my girls dissolved in a New York minute, and like so many other around the world, Covid found its way to my home.
I never thought we were immune; I just didn’t imagine it would come barreling in at such an inopportune moment.
But that’s how it is, isn’t it? It’s not like we can make an appointment to get infected and really, when is a “good” time to get sick.
My older daughter tested positive first and was asymptomatic. I tried to keep the girls separated and masked, but my younger daughter tested positive just a few days later.
#1 Sip of Lemonade: the bad news was they both had Covid; the good news was that they were able to play together.
I remained Covid-free and so I kept them busy with all sorts of diversions plus Santa, in the form of doting Grandparents, came by to drop off presents and got to watch and share in their excitement through the glass door as the girls opened their gifts with great joy and pleasure.
#2 Sip of Lemonade: the girls had some new games and toys, and they were happy and occupied, something that I certainly appreciated!
There were some big travel plans for the girls this Christmas and the plans were put on hold. They were disappointed to not go to Disney with their dad, but handled it well, knowing they will have a chance to take the trip at some later date.
#3 Sip of Lemonade: the girls and I settled into a very nice routine. A little baking, playing in the yard, eating yummy food, games, movies, and enjoying each other’s company made for a pleasant holiday staycation. They remained asymptomatic, I stayed healthy and so I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Lemons into lemonade, indeed!