I am by nature a woman filled with gratitude, who easily and frequently will give thanks. It’s in my DNA and doesn’t require calendar reminders or post-it notes to keep me on point. But here, in this post, I want to thank three people that occupy a special place in my life. They are: My Partner, Arthur Ettinger: I am divorced with two children. 5 years ago I met the man who changed my life.
It’s fortuitous when your partner gives you the space and freedom to have a fully integrated life that includes owning a business, single motherhood, active volunteering, travel, and the pursuit of joy and happiness in all its varied forms. He is my biggest fan and cheerleader when things get overwhelming and trust me, they do!

We have a blended family and live our dreams as a team. My Mom, Diane Riccio and Sister, Samantha Riccio: I know these are two people, but I am putting them together because of the relationship the three of us share.

We have different personalities and can sometimes be at odds with one another, but we always have each other’s back and will unfailingly support our respective choices.
When my life took an ugly turn, my Mother and Sister were the glue that kept me together and gave me the strength and confidence to get my life back on track.

My Best Friend Stephanie Lamb: We’ve been best friends since sixth grade and Steph is like another sister. I confide in her, ask for her advice, laugh, cry, whine, and celebrate our respective wins. My kids adore her, and my partner is a fan too so we’re like one big happy family.
Thinking about who I would like to thank was a great exercise, but it didn’t take long for these three (okay, four!) to bubble to the top. There are so many more, but I had to draw the line somewhere!
Who’s on your list?