It’s difficult to believe that we are heading straight to the 4th quarter and 2021 will soon come to an end.
It’s been quite the ride, hasn’t it? Covid has turned the world upside down and we are still figuring out our “new normal.”
Regardless, (cliché alert), life goes on.
So does business.
Covid threw many of us a curve ball insofar as our business was concerned. For some (but not many), it was business as usual or perhaps, even an uptick; many others saw a decline and had to devise different tactics to stay afloat.
“Survive and thrive” was the title of many a webinar and Zoom call.
Keeping track of your KPIs (key performance indicators) is not a new idea and as a business owner, I know this isn’t something that came about as a result of the pandemic.
Heck no.
KPIs help me to lead the agency, make big and small decisions, and provide the best for my clients and my team.
So, when I ask about your numbers, I’m (gently) suggesting that it’s something every business owner must be on top of if they want to push through to continued profitability.
There’s still time to take some action steps that can have a positive impact. For example,
· Do more networking and be proactive with your connections (what goes around comes around, right?)
· Reach out to existing clients to discuss any potential changes and new needs that may have developed since you last connected with them
· Connect with people in your database that have not done business with you, but are still viable prospects
· Get more visible on social media
· Schedule more one to one meetings by phone, Zoom, or in-person. I believe that getting “up close and personal” is one of the best ways for relationships and businesses to grow.
I’d love to connect with YOU and start/grow our relationship. Reach out and let’s talk.