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Do You Know Me?

Christina Shaw

I own an Allstate Agency, but do you know ME?

I’m lucky because almost everyone knows Allstate (“You’re in good hands with Allstate”) and so some of the work I need to do to establish credibility has been done for me.

But, do you know ME, Christina Shaw?

Probably not, but I’m aiming to change that and I’m using social media as one of my tools.

And that’s the great thing about social media, it levels the playing field for all of us.

Sure, some of us may have digital agencies doing all the heavy lifting for them and may also have a social media marketing budget that is substantial.

That’s not me.

But bottom line, all of us can use social media to grow and reinforce our personal brand.

Yep, personal brand, not Allstate, but Christina Shaw.

I want people to know who I am, what I stand for, a bit of my personal life, the charities I support, where I volunteer, what’s important to me, my family and the hectic life that I lead.

Insurance is not something that people get excited about. It’s a “must have” but that doesn’t mean anyone is happy about it.

With that in mind, I want to stand apart and be different and to do so, I need to be visible.

I’ve had to learn the different platforms and have spent endless hours learning what works best for me.

I believe in Allstate and the products we sell, and I want people to think of Christina Shaw for their insurance.

Being front and center on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook makes me recognizable not only to potential clients, but also to referral sources and partners.

It’s my fastest way to get in front of a large universe of people and it’s fun and exciting too.

Does social media play a role in your marketing? I’m happy to discuss what works for me. Reach out and connect if I can help you.

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