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Christina Shaw

Books I Love

Like most of you, my life is busy. What with running my Agency and trying to be an amazing single Mom and partner, the days are often very frenetic.

Still, I always find time to read.

OK, that’s a lie; not “always” because well, life, BUT I do try to make reading a priority each day.

One of my favorite books that I’ve just read is Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. It’s a terrific book filled with ideas that can change the way you think about giving freely of your time, mentoring others, and being a “giving” friend or business colleague.

The ideas are simultaneously simple and profound, and I intend to put the concepts into regular practice and develop a stronger “giving” practice, even though my current “giving” is robust!

And that leads me to my next point.

I love to give books as gifts and find that sending a copy of a book that I’ve read and found very beneficial is a great way to show my business partners and networking contacts appreciation and recognition.

I recommend you give it a try, and I promise that your contacts will remember your show of appreciation. Being remembered for your generosity and spirit of “giving” is a wonderful thing and this book makes a fabulous gift.

What have you read lately that you feel has made a difference?

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